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Input Config

Input definition comes with two keys:

  • match: Rule for matching CSV files. Currently, only the Simple File Match rule is supported. Please see the Simple File Match section for more details.
  • config: The configuration of the matched input CSV files. Please see the Input Config section.

Simple File Match

Currently, we support three different modes of matching a CSV file. The first one is the default one, glob. A simple string would make it use glob mode like this:

  - match: "import-data/mercury/*.csv"

You can also do an exact match like this:

- match:
    equals: "import-data/mercury/2024.csv"

Or, if you prefer regular expression:

- match:
    regex: "import-data/mercury/2([0-9]+).csv"

Input Config

The following keys are available for the input configuration:

  • extractor: Which extractor from beanhub-extract should be used? Currently, only extractors from beanhub-extract are supported, and you always need to specify it explicitly. We will open up to support a third-party extractor, and we will also add an auto-detection feature so that it will guess which extractor to use for you.
  • default_file: The default output file for generated transactions from the matched file to use if not specified in the add_txn action.
  • prepend_postings: Postings are to be prepended for the generated transactions from the matched file. A list of posting templates as described in the Add Transaction Action section.
  • append_postings: Postings are to be appended to the generated transactions from the matched file. A list of posting templates as described in the Add Transaction Action section.
  • default_txn: The default transaction template values to use in the generated transactions from the matched file. Please see the Add Transaction Action section.